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About Resilience Naturopathic

Resilience Naturopathic was originally founded with a mission to not only to provide an alternative to those who struggle with mental health conditions, but to improve the way mental and behavioral healthcare is delivered in America. Our founder always knew that it was ultimately through helping children that this could be accomplished. As our team saw the dramatic increase in families suffering from PANS and PANDAS with little to no help, we knew we had to narrow our focus to help this community exclusively. So we evolved to serve those who need us the most, and now work exclusively with families to help them heal from PANS and PANDAS. 

Meet Our Team

Dr. Jennifer Bahr, ND, DHANP, FMAPS

Founder and CMO

Licensed ND in California

“There are several moments in my life that you could say that my life’s calling was initiated. It could be in the excitement I felt about summer workshops at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI for short) in Columbus, OH. It could have been in the time I spent in the military, doing work that I knew was important…

Find Out More About Dr. Bahr, ND

Dr. Katie Rowley naturopathic doctor

Dr. Katie Rowley, ND

Medical Director

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California 

“ I repeatedly tell people that I feel very lucky that I truly enjoy my job, because I picked it when I was only 15 years old. Before that I wanted to be a helicopter pilot or an author. There have been multiple instances in life where the divine truly seemed to intervene…

Find Out More About Dr. Rowley, ND

Dr. Jason Way naturopathic doctor

Dr. Jason Way, ND

Assistant Medical Director and Attending Provider 

Licensed ND in California

If you ask me today what I want to be when I grow up, I still don’t have a great answer – but I have found the most meaning through helping families navigate and heal from PANS and PANDAS and I am grateful to be able to do this work.

Find Out More About Dr. Way, ND

Dr. Amber Petersons, ND

Attending Provider

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

“As a child I had a passion for two things, clowns and medicine. My childhood quickly tilted the scale toward medicine as I watched chronic disease and mental illness take hold of my family. For years, I accompanied them in and out of doctors’ offices and hospitals, knowing in my heart that there had to be more to healing…

Find Out More About Dr. Petersons, ND

Dr. Casey Bartel, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

Since I was a child, I knew that I had two callings in life – homeopathy and mental health. Homeopathy has been an essential part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was lucky enough to have parents that believed in homeopathy as an incredible form of healing.

Find Out More About Dr. Bartel, ND

Dr. Cara Lan, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

I was fortunate to grow up in Boulder, Colorado, an area of the country where natural medicine is welcomed, valued and used routinely. For this reason, I was accustomed to addressing any health issue with herbs and nutrient-dense foods. However, my first introduction to homeopathy wasn’t until I was in college and began seeking treatment for seasonal allergies, anxiety and insomnia.

Find Out More About Dr. Lan, ND

Dr. Alexi Manter, doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Alexandra “Alexi” Manter, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

From an early age i’ve considered myself something of a health detective.  I’ve always been fascinated by health and sleuthing out the factors that contribute to vibrant wellness.”

Find Out More About Dr. Manter, ND

Dr. Alexi Manter, doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Medcalf, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

“My greatest health struggles led me to my life’s purpose – to help others suffering find hope and healing through homeopathy.”


Find Out More About Dr. Medcalf, ND

Dr. Jessica Moore, doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Jessica Moore, ND

Licensed ND in Vermont

Not licensed in California

“I believe a person’s health care should be individualized to that patient. We have to start getting to the root causes and susceptibilities of complex and chronic illness.”


Find Out More About Dr. Moore, ND

Gregory Pais, ND, naturopathic doctor

Dr. Gregory Pais, ND, DHANP

Licensed ND in Colorado

Not licensed in California

““I trace my interest in health and healing to when I watched my dad die of colon cancer when I was 15. I knew there had to be a better approach to health and disease. This first led me to a strong interest in food and nutrition…

Find Out More About Dr. Pais, ND

Dr. Mariah Mosley, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

Growing up in the Midwest, I had never heard of naturopathic medicine or homeopathy. Growing up in a conventional medicine-minded family who suffered greatly from chronic pain and mental illness (which brought immense stress and difficulties as a child), I didn’t think healing was….

Find Out More About Dr. Mosley, ND

Gregory Pais, ND, naturopathic doctor

Dr. Elizabeth Rickard, ND

Licensed ND in Vermont

Not licensed in California

“Growing up in Pennsylvania, I had never heard of naturopathic medicine. My mom is a nurse and so we went the conventional route whenever we had ailments/illnesses. As I got older I realized how those interventions usually made no difference, or even made me feel worse.”

Find Out More About Dr. Rickard, ND

Dr. Chelsea Roodvoets, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

From a young age, Dr. Roodvoets has had a strong desire to help others and make a difference in the world. As a child she experienced the death of a close family member, which has since propelled her into healthcare and helping others prevent and relieve suffering.

Find Out More About Dr. Roodvoets, ND

Dr. Paola Tapia, doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Paola Tapia, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

“Homeopathic care has had an immense positive impact on my life and the lives of my patients. It is a very safe, gentle, and effective form of medicine; which is why I love it so much

Find Out More About Dr. Tapia, ND

Dr. Paola Tapia, doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Ben Zorensky, ND

Licensed ND in Arizona

Not licensed in California

“Since the age of sixteen I have witnessed firsthand the powerful healing capacity of homeopathy. .

Find Out More About Dr. Zorensky, ND


Kyle Gunderman 


Chief Operations Officer

I came to the Resilience Naturopathic team with one goal in mind, give our clients the best experience possible. As the Chief Operations Officer, I enable everyone on the Resilience Naturopathic team to focus on one thing, care. I strive to make sure all systems function smoothly, making it as easy for you as possible to get the care that you or your family members need. I brought with me a depth of knowledge in organizational leadership and a keen desire to bring naturopathic medicine to everyone. 


Jody Putnicki

Chief Advocacy Officer

I’ve proudly partnered with Resilience Naturopathic with a deep rooted passion for supporting families as they navigate the treacherous waters of PANS and PANDAS. I am a momma bear that has been through the nightmare of losing my child to this awful condition so I fully understand where you are right now. I was blessed to have taken my child through the recovery process with Resilience Naturopathic and now have my happy, healthy little girl back. I feel as though a strong calling has been placed on my life to stay with the families that are still in the trenches by sharing my families life changing experiences of healing with homeopathy. I know that there’s hope for our children and I want to help you learn how your child can get out of the cycle of symptoms. My goal is to support your family through the healing process and to advocate for our children through education on the healing power of homeopathy. I am here for you because I know you don’t have to be in this place forever. There is hope and healing for your child!

Patricia Kilburn 


Director of Operations

I joined the operations team at Resilience Naturopathic because I’m passionate about helping other families heal. My background is in software development, project management and service delivery. My focus is to make sure you feel supported on your journey and that an interaction with our team is the easiest part of your day.  As a p/p parent, I’m thrilled to be part of a team that delivers individualized care to our community.

Erin Duarte


Client Care Coordinator

What I love most about working at Resilience Naturopathic is the opportunity to support and connect with clients and their families. I worked as a site manager at a high school here in San Diego for many years before coming to Resilience Naturopathic and the hardest aspect of that position was seeing firsthand the struggles families go through when children struggle with health challenges. During my time at the high school I developed a close relationship with one family in particular, whose healing journey began with Resilience Naturopathic.

Today I am so excited and proud to be a part of this team. I look forward to greeting everyone with empathy and encouragement.

Julia Rodriguez  

Client Support Advocate

When I first started at Resilience Naturopathic I was only just figuring out my own path. All I knew was that I wanted to be a part of a movement and an organization that sought to heal others through homeopathy. Resilience Naturopathic was the perfect place to start and has since led me to discover what I truly want to pursue. Not only has it taught me immensely about homeopathy, it has also given me the amazing opportunity to help kiddos and their families with PANS and PANDAS. I am honored and grateful to be part of the amazing Resilience Naturopathic team. The client guides, doctors, and admin who are all passionate about helping individuals across the globe fuel my passion to continue to learn and grow in the field of homeopathy. 

Kristen Morgewicz


Client Support Advocate

When my son first started displaying Pans symptoms I felt completely lost and alone!  After countless appointments with doctors and therapists where we were either told that nothing was wrong or that we should “try” medication I realized that I had to keep searching for the answer to what was happening to my son. I knew that just ignoring what was happening wasn’t going to fix anything and it was heartbreaking watching my son struggle.   I also knew that I wanted to do more than just attempt to cover up his symptoms on a daily basis with a revolving door of trial and error pharmaceuticals.  I decided to take a leave from my job in the education field so that I could give my full attention to healing my son.  While scouring the internet I learned about homeopathy and Resilience Naturopathic.  As I read the stories from families who had found healing through homeopathy I found hope again!  As my son was getting better and was back in school I was planning on returning to work.  But I realized that 

I feel so incredibly fortunate and privileged to be part of the Resilience Naturopathic team because I don’t want other parents to ever feel misunderstood or invalidated the way that I did at the beginning of our healing journey.  

Bree Corder


Client Support Advocate

Something that is personally very important to me is feeling like I am making a contribution with my time and energy towards making the world a better place.  As a busy mom, time is one of my most valuable assets and I want to spend it doing something that I feel makes a difference.  I can’t think of anything more important than supporting a heart centered team that strives every day to bring health and wellness to families.  To have found a route to true healing for my daughter has been life changing and it’s my honor to be a part of supporting other families on their journey as well.  

Abby Booth


Client Support Advocate

 I have always had a passion for providing care and support for children and their families and have spent the last 14 years as a Pediatric Registered Nurse doing just that. Up until the day we realized that my son was experiencing unexplained symptoms due to a common illness, I believed that traditional medicine was the best approach. The next two years were filled with misdiagnoses, treatment plans that masked the symptoms, and an abundance of supplements that seemed so burdensome on our child. Homeopathy and Resilience Naturopathic gave my family hope when we felt hopeless. We finally had a dedicated team who provided exceptional care during our darkest time. We are still on our journey to healing, but have experienced countless triumphs along the way. Having the opportunity to serve this community with such a devoted team is a true honor.

Mollie Ashley


Client Support Advocate
On my own family’s journey with PANS/PANDAS, I was always grateful to find professionals that didn’t look at me cross-eyed when I told them of our experience, and were willing and able to help. I am excited and proud to be a member of the Resilience Naturopathic team, where I can help to provide a safe space for other families like my own who are on the journey towards healing. 

Jessica Osterloh


Head Client Guide

When Resilience Naturopathic shared they were looking for a new client care guide, my heart skipped a beat and jumped with joy because I knew I had found my calling and the place I’m meant to be. My professional past includes client care, office management, IT support, social media management, and most recently a stay at home mom with my PANS son. Even though my son only recently started treatment with Resilience Naturopathic, we have already seen the amazing ability homeopathy has to heal PANS/PANDAS. It has given me a child I’ve never known and opened up a much brighter future. I am honored to be a part of this team and very excited to help you and your child on your own personal PANS/PANDAS healing journey.

Brittany Sumner


Client Guide

I profoundly remember the moment in high school when I knew I wanted to be in a helping profession. I found joy in being an instrument to connect people to their true self and empower them to fulfill their destiny; this shaped my desire to become a social worker. It wasn’t until recently that I realized my true passion for who I was destined to serve: the PANS/PANDAS community. My husband and I are blessed with two wonderful sons, the oldest of which has been wrestling with PANS/PANDAS since he was 3. Like most families who know this ugly beast that steals our children, I did the hours and hours of researching answers. I joined all of the groups. We traveled far and wide to see specialists. And we were still losing hope. Resilience Naturopathic has restored the hope that there is a life AFTER PANS/PANDAS. Although we are new to our homeopathic journey and still continue toward true healing, I continue to be astonished at the gains we have made and look forward to the day that we can say we are healed. Working with Resilience Naturopathic and connecting other PANS/PANDAS families to hope is my true calling in this life and I am overjoyed to be able to serve and guide you along your family’s healing journey.

Chrissie Bozeman


Client Guide

I think it’s safe to say that if you are a parent of a Pans/Pandas child, you’ve felt at some point that you didn’t know what to do or where to turn. I was definitely there! But, that VERY feeling is my driving force to get up every day and help walk alongside these families. 

Resilience Naturopathic has helped my son make an astounding turnaround and homeopathy has unlocked a whole realm of possibilities that were completely unknown to me! It’s continued to ignite a curiosity to learn and absorb as much knowledge as I can. 

I feel extremely grateful to be part of this amazing team and am dedicated to helping guide you & your family on this journey to healing!

Bridget Voge


Client Guide

When life blesses you with healing after years of uncertainty and you see your beautiful
Pandas/Pans girl emerge to be better than you could have ever imagined. You give back to the
community who got her there. I was born to serve and that quality was sparked when I saw an
opportunity to join the Resilience Naturopathic team. What an honor it is to walk alongside these
providers. While this journey is so hard, there is nothing more rewarding than to be there for
these families in the beginning stages, to listen, educate and give them hope. I am so grateful
that we found healing and now it’s my chance to be here for others just finding their way.


Phoebe is Dr. Bahr’s “dogter,” office greeter, and nerve calmer for anxious kids. She loves to be the center of attention and has a seemingly endless supply of kisses and puppy love, but will happily lay on her bed when people need calmer energy. Patients have called her a healer, so we consider ourselves very lucky that she found her way into our lives.
Phoebe joins Dr. Bahr at the office most days and is always happy to make new friends. For those who are not comfortable with dogs, just let us know and we will make sure she is nice and happy in Kyle’s office. For those of you who give in to her cuteness and want her around she will be happy to join you for your visit.


Ready to get your child on the path to healing?

Click below to contact us 
•Learn more about the Resilience Method
•Find the right provider to help your family recover from PANS and PANDAS
•Schedule your free consultation

What clients are Saying


Dr. Bahr is an amazing individual and a great doctor. Her knowledge is built on a foundation of genuine warmth and care for others. Her ability to support those in their healing process, physically, mentally, and emotionally, is hard to find in the medical community. As a patient, I felt like she connected with me heart to heart, she displayed her compassion both in character and poise, and she asked the questions other doctors had dismissed in order to find the reason why I was feeling the way I was. Her intuition is impeccable. I felt like she continually sought to understand me as a whole person and to formulate a treatment that was unique for me. She also explained what was happening within my body and how the treatment she was implementing would help address the cause for the imbalance I was experiencing.