Dr. Paola Tapia, ND
“Homeopathic care has had an immense positive impact on my life and the lives of my patients. It is a very safe, gentle, and effective form of medicine; which is why I love it so much!
“I was born with mild Cerebral Palsy and growing up I went to countless doctor visits, physical therapy sessions, IEP meetings, etc. My parents had their hands full trying to manage all that my condition required and their 5 other children. I am deeply grateful to the surgeons, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and so many others. But there were things conventional medicine could not effectively address, which eventually led me to Naturopathic Medicine.
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“I have always had an intrinsic desire to help people and when I discovered Naturopathic Medicine I knew this was what I wanted to pursue. I saw the positive impact lifestyle changes had on my family and myself; I became enthralled with all the modalities at our disposal including nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, Chinese medicine, and others. During my medical training at SCNM I was exposed to a variety of diseases and the versatility in treatment. I remember being taken aback when a patient with extreme anxiety came in for a follow up. She had been on several medications previously and had been struggling with anxiety for years. At the follow-up she reported her anxiety had resolved and she had not felt this well in years! I definitely wanted to learn more about this form of medicine. Case after case from Crohn’s, to MS, Ulcerative Colitis, Anxiety, ADHD, PANDAS, RA, and so many others, I saw the positive impact homeopathic care had in allowing the body to self-heal. Throughout medical school and my 2 years of General Medicine Residency I made it a focus to learn as much as I could about homeopathic medicine and continue doing so.
“I am glad to be serving the PANS/PANDAS community, as I am acutely aware of the demands and stress that children and their family go through each and every day when they have a child that needs treatment and care.”
Dr. Tapia received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM). She also completed a 2 year General Medicine Residency at SCNM with a focus in homeopathic care and women’s health. In her spare time she enjoys baking/cooking, creating DIY skin care products, watching classic films or just relaxing with a good cup of tea.

- University of California, Santa Barbara- Bachelor of Arts, Business Economics and Global Studies
- Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine-Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
2 years SCNM General Medicine Residency
- SCNM Teaching Assistant- Gynecology Lab, Phlebotomy Lab
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
- Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association (AZNMA)
- National Center forHomeopathy (NCH)
FREE Consultation
Call to find out how the providers at Resilience Naturopathic can help your child recover from PANS/PANDAS, and help you get back to raising the family you love!
(858) 461-8121