by Resilience Naturopathic | Aug 27, 2018 | 10 things to transform your mental health, General Interest, Resilience
If you can dream it, you can do it. Think and grow rich. There is power in positive thinking. Ever hear anything like this? We all have. And we have all been duped. The “law of attraction” suggests that all we need to do to bring about the changes we want to see in... by Resilience Naturopathic | Jan 22, 2018 | 10 things to transform your mental health, eating for resilience
Healthy eating is easier when you can substitute healthy options for your favorite treats. Making that swap is easy and fun when you know how. Below are our favorite replacements. Comment if you have others that you and your family enjoy. Ice cream Smash up some...
by Resilience Naturopathic | Jan 11, 2018 | 10 things to transform your mental health
Our favorite meditation apps. Headspace This app has a free 10-day crash course for learning meditation. Each meditation is about 10 minutes long. It includes videos with great cartoons to help you understand what you are doing in a very simple way. If you love it,... by Resilience Naturopathic | Jan 11, 2018 | 10 things to transform your mental health
4 Superfood Veggies (and a Fruit) Kale Superpowers: High in Vitamins A, C and K as well as calcium. It has naturally occurring folate, which means even those with MTHFR SNPs can benefit from it. Kale is very fiber dense, which means that it helps feed healthy gut...
by Resilience Naturopathic | Nov 9, 2017 | Sleep better
Sleep. Does that word fill you with anxiety? A sense of calm? Or maybe even desire? You probably fall into one of four categories when it comes to sleep: The Good Sleeper, The Bad Sleeper, The Unrefreshed Sleeper, No Time To Sleep Sleeper. The Good Sleeper is probably...