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Reclaim your happiness, joy, freedom, life

It all starts with a simple phone call. Get in touch today and learn more about the Resilience Treatment Method.

Reclaim your happiness, joy, freedom, life

It all starts with a simple phone call. Get in touch today and learn more about the Resilience Treatment Method.


Introduction to Resilience

Introduction to Resilience

Is it just me, or is the word resilience popping up everywhere these days? I might just be hypersensitive to it since I named our practice Resilience Naturopathic and I spend my days helping people become more resilient. But it really does seems to be everywhere,...

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What is PANDAS?

What is PANDAS?

Do you have a PANDA? If you think that I mean a furry black and white bear from China, there is a good chance you don’t. What I am talking about is a kid who seemed to lose her darn mind after she got sick. Sound familiar? PANDAS is a cute name for a serious condition...

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Life in extremes

Life in extremes

Did you know that the highest point in the contiguous United States is only about 120 miles from the lowest point? Mount Whitney towers over the Sierras at a whopping windswept 14,508 feet, and only a two hour drive away lies Death Valley at a sweltering -282 feet....

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Resilient Moments

    Lately I have been thinking an awful lot about resilience. I talk about resilience every day, but I have been searching for a way to explain to others how to cultivate it, how to recognize it, and what resilience really means. I do some of my best thinking when I...

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FREE Consultation

Call to find out how the doctors at Resilience Naturopathic can help your child recover from PANS/PANDAS, and help you get back to raising the family you love!
(858) 461-8121

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